Amalgamated Security Services (St. Vincent) Limited

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Inteltrack Services

We offer a complete fleet management solution and route optimization services.

Inteltrack Services

Inteltrack Service

With over 10 years experience and thousands of units installed, Amalgamated Security Services (Barbados) Limited is the premier provider of location-based services in the Caribbean. While some of our competitors simply use an entire system that is purchased from a foreign supplier, Amalgamated Security Inteltrack system, while using third party mobile locator units, is designed around software that was created by the company’s programmers to an international standard.


The Amalgamated Security Inteltrack solution has the advantage that it was designed to be open source; as such it allows integration with a variety of software packages and can work with different types of hardware. This provides a degree of “future proofing” as the software will accommodate changes in technology and customer requirements. In view of the fact that the software has been created by Amalgamated Security staff it is very easy for us to modify the software to accommodate customer requests.


The Inteltrack system is an innovative, web based asset location system that provides real time nation-wide status on assets, using GPS for establishing location and GPRS for transmitting the data over a GSM network. The information from each GPS transmitter is automatically updated to a secure web site and so instantly accessible to the user. The authorized user(s) of each customer can access the web site to see the status and reports on their assets.

The Inteltrack software has been designed to work with cell phones, handheld trackers and vehicles.

In designing Inteltrack as a GPS based vehicle tracking system, ASSL created a complete Fleet Management Solution. As an Automatic Vehicle Location system, Inteltrack not only provides vehicle tracking information, but also provides data that allows customers to provide services more efficiently. In establishing its Inteltrack Vehicle Location system, Amalgamated Security created a digitized map of Barbados and developed its own neural network of the Barbados road system, which has been combined into Geographic Information System (GIS) software giving Inteltrack built-in intelligence.

With Inteltrack Management Solutions

With Inteltrack, when used as a fleet management solution customers get the ability to do:

  • Zoning vehicle movements by territory
  • Monitoring scheduled activities for compliance
  • Route logging and planned versus actual trip routing comparison
  • Instant vehicle location with no time delay
  • Multiple vehicle tracking at the same time
  • Emergency contact information on demand
  • Address look up, text directions
  • Maintenance records and vehicle service dates
  • Tracking of driver patterns
  • Anti-theft device
  • Ability to signal for help in times of distress
  • Roadside Assistance

ASSL Inteltrack system also has the ability to track cell phones in the same manner as vehicles can be tracked. This tracking of cell phones gives companies further capabilities for providing security to employees and also allows employers to know the location of employees especially when those employees are out of their vehicle.


With the Inteltrack cell phone tracking, staff with a cellular phone gets a panic button feature along with GPS tracking. Through this mechanism, any staff that is under threat can simply trigger the panic button which would send an instantaneous signal to a Central Monitoring Station and a response protocol is activated. As a result of the GPS tracking that would be tied to the panic signal, the Central Monitoring Station and employer would know exactly where the employee is located as their position would be shown on a map on your computer. If the staff is forced to move from the location, the GPS tracking feature on the cellular phone would allow employer to know the movements of the staff.


The A.S.S.L. Inteltrack solution can be easily understood by anyone with a basic knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite because its graphical user interface is very intuitive.  The system is so easy to use that existing users can easily transfer their knowledge of its use to new employees.

With Inteltrack Tracking Services

With the ASSL Inteltrack system, whether used for vehicle tracking, cell phone tracking or other asset tracking, customers get:


  • Multi-user access
  • Online real time tracking
  • Driving Directions
  • Emergency Alert – Panic Button
  • Flexibility of Emergency Instructions
  • Reconstruction of Incidents
  • Notifications
  • Special Mapping, Map Overlays – Layers
  • Reports
  • User Control

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