On the field, we ensure that our service standard is maintained through frequent communication and site visits by management and supervisors. Our supervisors regularly visit each guarding customer assignment to ensure that our security guards are performing to the contractual requirements and in accordance with agreed instructions. In addition to ensuring that security officers understand and perform their functions, our supervisors also function as the liaison between the customer and the company. Our supervisors therefore regularly meet with the customer’s representatives to discuss security concerns and highlight any security risks.
Amalgamated Security St. Vincent operates a 24 hour Control Room which is staffed by experienced officers and has radio and/or telephone contact with all security guards. The Control Room staff ensure that all guard posts are fully manned. The Control Room maintains contact with officers through a system of hourly calls and codes which are logged and this provides the assurance that all is in order at the specific post.
We utilize a variety of uniform types to suit the environment in which we work and provide uniformed or non-uniformed security guards for:
- Facility Security
- Event Security
- Executive Protection
- Parking Enforcement