It is certainly not an easy task to have and manage over 3,000 employees servicing thousands of customers throughout the Caribbean region and protecting billions of dollars in assets. This responsibility is not easy under any circumstance!
When it comes to the challenges that our industry faces around issues of education, economic status, and other intolerances, our achievement remain unmatched over the years!
At times it seems that just keeping the lights on is a major accomplishment. But it is the staff, this team of professionals with their diverse, and unwavering dedication, and hard work who make it happen, 24-7.
Our successes are also due in part to the notion that “you achieve according to what you believe.” Faith and purpose. And after 25 years at Amalgamated Security Services Limited, we believe that our people are still the most valuable assets. Through an extensive selection process, with training, and the right supervision, our officers have been shown to be the best in the field. And we continue to strive in maintaining the best, for the best!
We believe that affordable security whether electronic or manpower is a right, not a privilege, and providing security and safety, remaining affordable with top-notch quality service, is what distinguishes us from the rest.
We do know we have made a difference in people’s lives and our client’s interests because we get just the right amount of feedback and support from the customers and the public just when we need it.