Amalgamated Security Services’ philosophy is that all employees must be trained for their job function.
The region’s premier security provider is now certified in ISO 9001, ISO 18788 and ANSI/ASIS PSC1.
Staff training is an ongoing focus of the company. Amalgamated Security Services’ philosophy is that all employees must be trained for their job function. Employees are therefore given three weeks training prior to employment. Throughout the training continuous testing is done to be assured that the individual inculcates the concepts within the training. The training is intended to produce individuals who are prepared for general security duties. Only individuals who pass the training are accepted for employment. Where a customer’s assignment requires further specialized training, such training is given.
Given the nature of the service, at Amalgamated Security Services (St. Vincent) Limited, we recognize that customer confidentiality and courtesy are extremely important and so these are continuously stressed to all employees.
Our induction training program covers a wide variety of topics which include the following:
To complete the training all prospective employees must pass the written examination at the end of the training. It is only after an individual has completed the training that they are accepted to work at Amalgamated Security Services (St. Vincent) Limited.
Training does not end in the classroom and all personnel are given detailed on-site briefings by a supervisor who is familiar with the assignment.
In addition to the basic introductory security training, staff are exposed to a wide range of training programs. ASSL’s training unit is licensed by the U.S. National Safety Council to provide training to the public in First Aid and Defensive Driving. We also have trained instructors for conducting certification training for International Ship & Port Security code, under the standards set by the International Maritime Organization.
Amalgamated Security Services (St. Vincent) Limited has been and remains the widely recognised leader in the expanding field of security and public safety services across St. Vincent, the Caribbean and internationally.
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