The most effective way to raise a concern is to do so openly. Openness makes it easier to assess the concern, investigate where appropriate and to obtain more information if required. However, we understand that in certain circumstances, those reporting issues of concern would like to do so anonymously and in those circumstances all concerns reported will be treated in confidence. The person’s name or details will not be revealed to any party without their consent.
Whilst ASSL encourages whistleblowers to identify themselves, anonymous calls will be taken equally seriously and investigated as fully as possible. However, the effectiveness of any investigation may be limited where an individual chooses not to be identified. It is the whistleblowers decision if they choose to remain anonymous and there is never any tracking or covert attempt to discover a whistleblowers identity.
ASSL encourages anyone reporting a violation to identify himself or herself when making a report to facilitate the investigation of the violation. However, reports may be submitted anonymously by filling out the online
Whistleblower Reporting Form or calling the Telecare Hotline Trinidad:1-868-330-1133/1-868-681-7711. Barbados: (246) 836-4164.
ASSL will promptly investigate, all concerns raised and:
- use reasonable endeavours to keep the identity of the individual raising a concern and the information received confidential, while recognising that ASSL may, in certain circumstances, be required to disclose information and identities of individuals, for example in legal proceedings or government investigations;
- when appropriate, provide feedback to the individual who raised the concern;
- track the progress of each case, implement recommendations and ensure that appropriate actions are taken, including disciplinary action when required; and
- where appropriate, report actual or suspected breaches of law to the relevant law enforcement agencies.
The first step in submitting a report is to choose the primary issue that you are reporting. Please select one of the following choices that best fits your issue: